Sunday, March 17, 2024

"Psychology" for grade 12 by NIOS

 Psychology is a wonderful subject, and these books are the introduction to Psychology. These two books were issued by the NIOS open school and covered the foundation of psychology. The books start with the chapter on what is psychology, its research methods and techniques, statistics and personality theories and ends with the holistic psychology and stress management. My favorite chapters were on learning and memory as that is what I was doing and I learned a lot from these two books overall.

"History" for 12th grade by NIOS

These are the two history books issued by the NIOS and they cover the basics of Indian history since the Indus Valley and Harappan civilization until the modern times. My favorite historical time is always the ancient history and I love reading about the Cold War. My least favorite period is the Mughal Empire and the Delhi Sultanate in which I have to remember lots of Persian-Arabic-Urdu words and the administration system seems to be quite complex.

Overall, I loved reading the history (hate remembering) but it did give me an idea of what is India all about and where some cultural practices and traditions came from. Why are Indians the way they are and why are the states the way they are.

The only downside to this book (the authors have mentioned this themselves) is that it mainly focuses on the history of the Northern India and Delhi and just mentions in few chapters the rulers and dynasties of the South of India. This might be the reflection of the current discrimination of the South and the centralized focused on the North.

Other than that, the books were  written in a clear and passionate way and did inspire some love for history.

"Geography" for 12th grade by NIOS

This is my most favorite course ever. I struggle to remember what kind of mountains are there and soil etc but I just love the sense of "travelling the world and being in nature". These books were issued by the NIOS open school and I have enjoyed reading them. Although, I might not be able to study Geography college level, I still love the physical geography, cartography, geology and other Earth sciences. It gives me the sense of being close to nature and being a world traveler which I love. 

These are two books and the first book covers the physical geography whilst the second book covers the human geography, including economics, which I'm not a huge fan of.

Overall, these are great books that cover the basics of geography.

"English" by NIOS

"English" by NIOS for 12th grade is an English book full of stories as well as how to write a letter or attend a job interview. Good stuff. I have quite enjoyed the stories, although most of them are for the younger age level than mine. Some of them were uncomplicated, therefore boring to me being a forty year old, however I did find them to be heart warming.

"Certificate of Data Entry" by NIOS

I decided to complete my 12th in humanities and one of the courses is Data Entry Operations which I was kind of forced to choose but I'm happy with it as it's polishing my basic computer skills (very basic) but I find it still challenging as I have never had to use Excel or Power Point Presentations or Mail Merge.

After completing the practical parts of the book I did learn that I don't know so much of the basics when in comes to the most popular computer applications such as Excel, Power Point, Microsoft Word and Outlook. The most challenging was, I guess, the Excel because of the slightly mathematical formulas and the whole concept but I managed to get it in the end. 

My most favorite part of the book was the hardware of the computer, the servers and how the Internet works. I'd like to read more on that because the book provided only the basics.

"Idioms Dictionary" by Cambridge

 This is the dictionary of the English idioms, and I must say it has all the useful ones.

"Short Stories" by Ratna Sagar

 Short story book for kids (7 grade). I picked it up at the library in society and I have read one story that was about overcoming fear. Although at 40 I sometimes feel bored reading stories for kids, this story actually carried a strong message.

"Early India" by Romila Thapar

"Early India" by Romila Thapar is a history of prehistoric India and of India before the forming of the states. It's amazing but it's thick. I will return to this post after I read it.

"Master Your Emotions" by Thibaut Meurisse

Great book on Emotions that my daughter's teacher Tapan sir has gifted her after she admitted having an exam anxiety. She doesn't seem to be reading it at the moment, although she has started it, so I have started reading it. It seems useful and amazing and I will come back to this post after I finished it.

"Trail Blazer" by Ray Dalio

 They say it's a good book on business, so I will come back here after I read it.

"Algebra for Dummies 1" by Mary Jane Sterling

Wonderful book on Algebra for dummies. Yes, I consider myself a a dummy when it comes to Math, but I don't necessarily want to stay a dummy. I wanted to study Statistics because I like Psychology and Geography and they both have Statistics, but in order to study Statistics for dummies I was adviced to first complete Algebra 1 for dummies. I have covered the free section of the book about the prime numbers etc and it's started to warm up towards equations a bit, so will come back to this review after I complete this book. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

"Cybersecurity for Dummies" by Joseph Steinberg

 I have purchased and read 30 pages of this book as I want to learn more about technology. It has been extremely interesting and I'll get back to this post after I read this book.

"Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom" by Rachel Pollack

A lovey book on tarot by Rachel Pollack that has become a classic and the favourite tarot book of many people. I am reading it on and off and I've loved it so far. I will continue this review later on.

"Communion" by Whitley Strieber (trial)

Whitley Strieber is sharing in this book his experience of alien abduction. The book is quite famous and a classic in the genre.  I haven't read the full book, just the free trial section and either way, I must say, the story is interesting as a writing as well. The write was previously a successful sci-fi writer, and I could feel the mastery and expertise in the writing. 

I will continue reading this book after I purchase it on Google Books and will complete this review later.