Sunday, March 17, 2024

"History" for 12th grade by NIOS

These are the two history books issued by the NIOS and they cover the basics of Indian history since the Indus Valley and Harappan civilization until the modern times. My favorite historical time is always the ancient history and I love reading about the Cold War. My least favorite period is the Mughal Empire and the Delhi Sultanate in which I have to remember lots of Persian-Arabic-Urdu words and the administration system seems to be quite complex.

Overall, I loved reading the history (hate remembering) but it did give me an idea of what is India all about and where some cultural practices and traditions came from. Why are Indians the way they are and why are the states the way they are.

The only downside to this book (the authors have mentioned this themselves) is that it mainly focuses on the history of the Northern India and Delhi and just mentions in few chapters the rulers and dynasties of the South of India. This might be the reflection of the current discrimination of the South and the centralized focused on the North.

Other than that, the books were  written in a clear and passionate way and did inspire some love for history.

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