Thursday, May 20, 2021

"Edgar Cayce on Atlantis" - by Edgar Evans Cayce

"Edgar Cayce on Atlantis" was written by Edgar Cayce's youngest son Edgar Evans Cayce. He went through his father's notes and his past life readings on other people and compiled all the information on Atlantis into a timeline.

The book was first published in 1968 but is still pretty amazing. It has excerpts that describe in detail about where was Atlantis, what was it like, about the technology and beings that existed in Atlantis at that time, about the "flying boats" and subhuman creatures and about the spiritually and materially focused beings who always had a clash among themselves.

It describes the three destruction periods of Atlantis and how the Atlanteans moved to Egypt and the Pyrenees for solace where they created libraries to protect and safe their knowledge and information.

The book is super exciting. The author uses Edgar Cayce notes from his cases and does his own research on archeological findings and compares those together. The book is intelligent and scientific (the author was electrical engineer and a captain during the 2WW). 

I found that there were several messages in the book: it shows that there are many things that we don't really know and that we've regressed as humanity due to our own materialism, greed and identification with things. It was said that 19 out of 21 civilizations were destroyed "from within". Lack of spirituality and not striving to be a better human is what ultimately destroys us. I think it's a great reminder as well as an encouragement for us to go treasure hunting - for the new information on who we really are, where do we come from and what is our real mission and purpose.

A great book!

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