Thursday, May 20, 2021

"Forgiving the Unforgivable" by Master Charles Cannon

"Forgiving the Unforgivable" by Master Charles Cannon is a spiritual book whose author's teachings come from the Eastern philosophical teachings (mainly India). This book has a foreword by Eckhart Tolle and afterword by Neale Donald Walsch.

The book is narrating a story of Master Charles Cannon and his disciples traveling to Mumbai, India and getting stuck in the Oberoi Hotel where the terrorist attacks happened. Hundreds of people have died and two of their own as well. 

This book is about the spiritual outlook to life and being in the here-and-now moment, from which, the world looks quite different. The Mumbai terror attacks are not the main focus here. 

It's just a spiritual book which talks about our thoughts, attachments, karmic debts and meditation. The information can really challenge and change how one looks into one self, one's life and the world around us. 

This is a healing and calming book. It's written in a quite a simple way and is quite encouraging and enlightening. It does offer a new perspective on how to look at negative things that happen to us, how to react to negative experiences that happen to us and how to transform, heal and grow. 

There are links to the website as well where one can learn more about the teachings. 

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