Friday, December 11, 2020

"Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton

 "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton is the book to read if you want to know about life after death. 

Michael Newton is a very experienced counselor and hypnotherapist who wrote this book based on his hypnotherapy sessions with his clients. 

The clients would be taken to their past lives via hypnosis and would describe the things that they would be seeing. Among the earthly life experiences they would vividly describe the afterlife experiences. 

The book is definitely one of a kind, a bit similar to Dr. Brian Weiss books but Michael Newton's  books focus more on the "life in between lives" and not as much on past lives.

It describes a kind of hierarchy of souls that exists in the spirit world and the sense of "home" and belonging that most of the people that went through hypnotherapy experienced. 

The book is about 270 pages long and is full of real cases written in a format of dialogues where people are describing what they are seeing in the afterlife and the doctor keeps asking very deep questions in order to get more knowledge about death and how the cycle of souls and reincarnation work. 

I think this book is outstanding and very rare. Throughout thousands of years humans tried to find answers to questions about what happens when we die or why are we here and I think that this book is as close to the answer as one can get. 

I think every living human should read this book. It is eye-opening, awakening, uplifting, wise, mind-expanding, calming, reassuring, hopeful and just absolutely worth it!

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