Sunday, October 18, 2020

"Telepsychics" - Dr Joseph Murphy

"Telepsychics" by Joseph Murphy is a great classical self-help book. It is written in an easy language and is about how one can use their mind to change one's reality. 

It's based on the New Age (and some scientists') beliefs that thought is energy and we create what we think. It is similar to Abraham Hicks, Louise Hay, Blavatsky and other authors. 

The book is 222 page long and it is packed with information. The information is pretty rare and super modern. The author talks a lot about visualization, healing, prayer, desire, black magic (that it doesn't exist, only God exists), protection, faith, psychic phenomena, spiritism, ghosts, material success, how to find your soulmate, how to protect yourself from black magic, how to achieve your dreams and similar things. The book is well packed with solutions for the most difficult problems one might have.

I think it's a must read for everyone and should be in the bookshelf of every home. I especially recommend this book for everyone who feels discouraged, depressed, scared or lost in their life. I honestly think this book might help to feel more hopeful and even protected by higher forces. 

The only thing that I didn't like about this book were the psalms from the Bible. I am not a religious person so every time I see references to the Bible, I feel put off. However the author wasn't forceful about it and said many times that our religious beliefs don't matter. God is one.

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