Tuesday, December 8, 2020

"Brief Answers to Big Questions" - Stephen Hawking

"Brief Answers to The Big Questions" by the famous theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking is a great book about "Big Questions". 

The author is asked questions like: "Is there a God?", "How did it all begin?", "Can we predict the future?", "What is inside the black hole?", "Will we survive on Earth?" etc.

I bought this book at my daughter's school and read it after a while. It was written in a very easy language and was interesting to read, however I found I struggled to follow some chapters where black holes and the ten dimensions of the universe are being explained. Never having read a book on science before, I found I didn't know what were all these famous theorems and theories,  elements and particles. I have no clue about physics. This book made be google "the basics", so that I could follow. It did sparkle an interest in physics and science in general for me and I wish I could read more. 

It was a great experience reading this book because I've always admired Stephen Hawking for, despite of his illness, not giving up and keep following his dream and achieving a lot. He is a big inspiration for the rest of us (especially the ones who just sit and complain about minor discomforts instead of following our dreams). It was an honor to be able to read such a great scientist's thoughts. The overall "feeling" that I am left with after reading this work is "INSPIRED and HAPPY". 

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