Tuesday, December 8, 2020

"Chariots of the Gods" by Erich von Daniken

(A) A tiny 150 page book packed with enormous amount of information, mainly archeological and historical (until the page 110) and then - scientific and futuristic. 

The book was written in an easy to read yet scientific style and I felt like it was directed to the skeptical and old-fashioned scientific community who were "refusing" to "believe" in aliens.

The author supplies us with lots of historical examples from the ancient civilizations' artifacts and findings and he invites us to look differently at the famous cave drawings, pyramids and other structures. 

He dwells deep in mythology at times and that did get a bit confusing for me. The book reminded me of the series "Ancient Aliens" by the "History Channel". 

It's definitely a great book, but it didn't shock me nor surprised me (I wanted it to do just that). I felt like I've read all of that before (or maybe watched on "Ancient Aliens"). 

This was my first book by Erich von Daniken and I really didn't know what to expect. However I was hoping it to be a light and "hocus-pocus" filled New Age read. So, if you're hoping this to be a New Age literature - you might be disappointed, if you're into physics - you might like it (and better understand it).

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