Thursday, April 13, 2023

"Madame Burova" by Ruth Hogan

"Madame Burova" by Ruth Hogan was a surprise buy. I saw the recommendation while browsing amazon and it was super cheap (111 rs) and so I bought it. The book was quite thick (300 + pages) and it was printed in a biggish font, so  it seemed like it's going to be an easy fun read.

As I started reading, Ruth Hogan's writing style reminded me of my favorite Lithuanian writer's Jurga's Ivanauskaite's style and I was pleased. The more I read though,  the more confusing it got as there were many characters in the book and some events took place in 1973 and some - now.

I thought: "What the heck?!" and continued reading. So, I was in a puzzled state up to about 150th page but it started to become interesting as that's when I realized that the events of 1973 and now were one story (how stupid of me).

Then 150th page onwards it was very interesting and seemed like a "good book" and a "good story" and I feel like I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from it. I'd recommend everyone who's interested in a bit of a contemporary read full of people and relationships. Although it was fun though, it discussed some serious issues like racism, homophobia, gender equality issues and animal abuse/rescue.

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