Wednesday, March 22, 2023

"The Diary of A Young Girl Anne Frank" by Anne Frank

"The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank" is what it says - a diary of a 13-15 year old girl Anne Frank. It was written during the 2WW in Holland where Anne Frank went into hiding with 7 others in her dad's office.

Anne Frank was a very energetic personality who had many friends and was quite popular, during the hiding she spent a lot of time reading and studying which makes her a good writer. She wrote several other works as well (not sure if they were published). 

It's definitely a heart wrenching read, knowing what happened to the family and what so many people had to endure during the war (and especially in Nazi occupied territories). 

From a cheerful and bubbly character, Anne Frank grows more and more serious when in hiding, her thoughts become more expansive and she herself - less  hopeful, more  accepting, more cynical but at the same time wise, mature and saintly (as if she's a Buddha detaching from all the world's pleasures and personal wishes). 

It was a profound, interesting, fun read with a dark shadow of sadness overcoming it all and amazing talent for writing.

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