Tuesday, September 13, 2022

"Thought Forms" by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater

"Thought Forms" by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater is a little book about auras, its colors, their meanings and thought forms. 

Thought forms are materialized thoughts that can be seen clairvoyantly as shapes and forms (that have a real potential to become physical things some time later).

The book explains how thought forms are made and what do they look like. There are some colorful illustrations in the book of thought forms and some of them have symbols in them. The symbols can be: crosses, the Star of David, lotus flower etc. Each symbol has a meaning and the clearer the shape, the clearer the thought.

Some pictures involve etheric (or neon) colors that don't exist on planet Earth (or the colors that the human eye cannot see). It is quite fascinating and especially the fact that so much study has been put into the subject.

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