Tuesday, September 13, 2022

"Herstory" by Neha Bansal

"Herstory" by Neha Bansal is a collection of 39 verses that focus on gender inequality in India. Some of the verses are about mythical personages like Yashoda and others are about the common daily life that the author experienced through being a woman and working as a civil servant thus witnessing societal injustice towards the poor and the female gender. Many of such behavior stems even from the Hindu mythology and seems to be rooted deep in the Indian society.

The stories are beautifully written and are easy to read and understand. There is a certain amount of pain in each and every verse as they talk about the suffering mostly. Some verses (such as "Crochet Lace Hankies" and "Hiraeth: Green Chutney Made by My Mother") are filled with nostalgia.

It was a heart warming and important book making me look into the suffering of others.

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