Tuesday, September 13, 2022

"Monsoon - A Poem of Love and Longing" by Abhay K.

"Monsoon - A Poem of Love and Longing" by Abhay K. is a poem about Monsoon and the path that it travels. It starts its journey in Madagascar and ends in Kashmir. 

As the Monsoon travels various places, the poet describes these places in detail, that is full of color, smells and beauty.

Loads of mythological, place and cuisine names are used and it's possible to get lost in so much culture and description. However, a list of explanations is given in every page and there is a vocabulary provided at the end of the book.

The writing is very Indian in a way that the poem is just as colorful and diverse as the Indian Sub-Continent. It's a beautiful colorful chaos full of nostalgia.

I usually don't read poetry and received this book by mistake and I must say it was an interesting experience to read it.

"Herstory" by Neha Bansal

"Herstory" by Neha Bansal is a collection of 39 verses that focus on gender inequality in India. Some of the verses are about mythical personages like Yashoda and others are about the common daily life that the author experienced through being a woman and working as a civil servant thus witnessing societal injustice towards the poor and the female gender. Many of such behavior stems even from the Hindu mythology and seems to be rooted deep in the Indian society.

The stories are beautifully written and are easy to read and understand. There is a certain amount of pain in each and every verse as they talk about the suffering mostly. Some verses (such as "Crochet Lace Hankies" and "Hiraeth: Green Chutney Made by My Mother") are filled with nostalgia.

It was a heart warming and important book making me look into the suffering of others.

"Thought Forms" by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater

"Thought Forms" by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater is a little book about auras, its colors, their meanings and thought forms. 

Thought forms are materialized thoughts that can be seen clairvoyantly as shapes and forms (that have a real potential to become physical things some time later).

The book explains how thought forms are made and what do they look like. There are some colorful illustrations in the book of thought forms and some of them have symbols in them. The symbols can be: crosses, the Star of David, lotus flower etc. Each symbol has a meaning and the clearer the shape, the clearer the thought.

Some pictures involve etheric (or neon) colors that don't exist on planet Earth (or the colors that the human eye cannot see). It is quite fascinating and especially the fact that so much study has been put into the subject.

"Clairvoyance" by C. W. Leadbeater

"Clairvoyance" by C. W. Leadbeater was a little book about clairvoyance. I am very interested in the subject and was looking for any information about it. 

This book introduces to different types and levels of clairvoyance. It's almost more than what one needs to know. The author refers to many other literature and has a recommended list for reading.

C.W. Leadbeater talks about astral travel, etheric and astral bodies, things one can see after their clairvoyance is developed. Apparently, one can see auras, elemental beings, dead people and ghosts, entities, thought forms, as well as through the walls and earth. While clairvoyance looks amazing, it might be scary and overwhelming to first experience it. Also it is not advisable to offer paid readings and tell people about this, especially if one's clairvoyance is partial and "accidental".

The author also talks about groups and types of clairvoyance, such as what can cause a clairvoyance and different cases of clairvoyance. For example, clairvoyance can be caused by a very ill health or alcoholism (or drug use), passing of a loved one where the missing and mourning is very strong, by unexplained accidental experiences where clairvoyant information seems irrelevant and by spirit guides (divine helpers) guiding one to help someone and similar.

Basically, there is full clairvoyance and partial. There is etheric vision and astral vision. Astral being the fuller one. The book also explains the chemistry/physics of all of that and how ether connects our physical plane with the etheric/astral one by permeating the matter.

I must admit I will need to reread it again as things are a bit hard to understand. It was a breathtaking book  to read and very grounded too as it tried to explain thigs scientifically and logically.