Monday, June 17, 2024

"My Inventions" by Nikola Tesla

"My Inventions" by Nikola Tesla is the autobiograpy of the famous physicist Nikola Tesla. In a very simple language the scientist tells the story of his life - about his childhood, adulthood and mature stages of life. 

I expected the book to be full of scientific formulas and calculations, blueprints of his inventions and extremely hard and scientific to read but I realized that Tesla had a very creative, artistic and humanitarian side. He was fluent in many languages, enjoyed reading and listening to classics, wondered about the supernatural and paranormal quite a bit.

Tesla never married and it seems like he wanted to invent a way of being immortal or at least live until 150 years old. He experimented with his mind and memory and had an amazing ability to hear things.

Basically, this book gives a glimpse of the life and mind of the great physicist Tesla who gave us the alternating-current power system that provided electricity, radio communication and many other things.

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