Tuesday, January 17, 2023

"Satyopanisad -Volume 3" by Anil Kumar Kamaraju

 "Satyopanisad -Volume 3" by Anil Kumar Kamaraju is a Q and A book between Sathya Sai Baba and his devotees. 

The book is by Anil Kumar Kamaraju. It has three parts:

a) "The Inner Door"

b) "Human Values"

c) "Scriptures and Baba"

"Satyopanisad" is a spiritual book where Sri Sathya Sai Baba - a famous Indian guru from Puttaparti answers his devotees' questions about meditation, truth, human values and Hindu scriptures such as Ramayana and Mahabharata. 

I used to read a lot of Sai Baba's books in my childhood translated into Lithuanian language and used to find them quite powerful. I also liked Sathya Sai Baba's simple, humble and yet very powerful explanations on spiritual matters, the life that a person should/could lead and about Universe. 

I have found this book in a local library and it even has his signature (I hope it's real). I truly enjoyed the spiritual Q and A that, I think, can be useful and thought provoking to the majority, however I found the scriptures part a big boring and confusing as I am not familiar with Ramayana or Mahabharata. The many names of Gods and what happened between them feels like listening to a gossip about people I have never met. However, someday I would like to dive deeper into the Hindu scriptures.

Despite of that, I found the book heart warming, optimistic, encouraging and inspiring. I'm not anymore the 17 year old who used to read his books but a 39 year old who has lived more live and done more mistakes. By reading to these seemingly simple Q and A's and looking back at my life I can see that Sai Baba is right on many points, especially human values. No matter what, we should strive to be a better human and rethink our values on a daily or weekly basis. If we cannot help, it's at least better not not hurt anyone. But, as Sai Baba says, practice is worth more than book knowledge.

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