Wednesday, January 20, 2021

"The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott Peck

"The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott Peck is a book that I find hard to describe. It belongs to the "psychology" genre and it is a self-help book whose purpose is spiritual development. 

The author M. Scott Peck was a psychiatrist with many years of experience and he wrote this book from a psychiatric perspective. This book is about parenting, about the fact that if we want to grow spiritually, we should actively initiate the growth and not fear of challenges. The author encourages (based on his psychiatric experiences) his readers to be brave in living our lives and not avoiding difficult experiences.

A lot is written about parenting, marriage and relationships in this book and it does press a lot of buttons and is not an easy book to read. I thought it basically revealed the secret of life. Why are we here, how does spiritual grow happen and how to behave in order to grow faster and better spiritually. 

I remember once wondering about how love works. It resulted in me buying the "Psychology of Love" by Freud, but I didn't find the answer there. M. Scott Peck explains what is love and what is the difference between love and falling-in-love. I felt absolutely satisfied with the explanation. 

The author also talks a lot about "Grace", which is the term I never heard before but which basically is similar to "The Spirit" (used by the New Agers). He mentions how "Grace" helped him in writing this book and which basically is "the magical synchronicity" that brings something helpful into our lives at the right moment (which is hard to explain and is "beyond science"). 

I think that with the help of this "grace" I actually received this book. A wife of my husband's friend just handed over to me a backpack full of "esoteric" books. One of those was "The Road Less Travelled" and I decided to read it only after a year of when I received it. The cover isn't bright and memorable, it's kind of dull, but something in me said: "I want to read that dull-looking book!" (no idea what it's about).

I extremely enjoyed reading this book and it's more than a book - it's wisdom, it's guidance and, I feel, - it's the truth! After a very long time I enjoyed reading something so much, I forgot to look at which page I'm on (usually I can't wait to get over with the book). 

I recommend it to everyone and I think everyone would benefit from it (but one kind of has to be "ready"). It also can be a bit painful and healing at the same time to read it.

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