Saturday, January 16, 2021

"Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carrol

 "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll is a fantastic story about a seven year old Alice who travels into the fantasy world. It is not clear whether it's a reality or merely a dream.

She travels via a tree trunk into the unknown world where she has a magical drink that turns her really small. There she meets White Rabbit, Dormouse, Queen of Hearts and many other characters that appear to be rude to her and boss her around.

What I liked about "Alice in Wonderland" was how fun and creative it was. The author was playing with words and saying things like "uncommon nonsense" and challenging our perceptions of space and time. It did feel a bit sci-fi and hilarious to me.

I also enjoyed Alice's character that was pretty strong and independent. She was brave, she was fun and she was up for all the adventures that she met on her way.

At the end of the book, she woke up as if from a dream, so that made the story even more surreal. 

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