Thursday, December 24, 2020

"The Free Will Zone" by Shiloh Russo Stone

"The Free Will Zone" by Shiloh Russo Stone caught my interest on Kindle. It was recommended to me by the Kindle after downloading some samples on UFO related books.

The preview of this book included a piece of channeled information (from or by Hilarion) and seem to be really interesting, although the preview was really short and was misleading in a way that the pages included in preview were either by another author or was written way better than the book itself.

So, the book was like a porridge of different concepts, aspects and esoteric ideas that were thrown in without any connection, pattern or relation to each other. It was hard to make sense of the point because the ideas seemed to contradict each other. 

The information was presented like it was something new and shocking but it was an old information freely available on the Internet. The book was written in a preaching and lecturing way which was pretty annoying. 

From its description, preview and the book cover I got the impression that it's going to be the new "Urantia" or "Seth Speaks" (I expected a channeling). I think it was mediocre, judgmental and offensive and although, no doubt the author had good intentions, it's just unreadable. 

I would not recommend this book because it feels incomplete, unrefined, unfinished, unedited, biased and didn't make any sense (for me) and it's just one of those purchases that makes you mad because it's just not what you expected.

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