Thursday, July 16, 2020

"Curses & Bindings" by Tannita

I was looking for a book on curses in order to really get more information about what they are, how they are done and whether I have one! Many people use the word "curse" and I just wanted to know where is the difference between the word and the actual action.

I found a lot of books on Play Books, but this one seemed to be the most focused and about what I wanted to read (although it was just a guess). The book is written by an experienced wiccan and provides the basic information on curses, psychic defense and attack, bindings, also other details like "Why to Do a Curse?" or "Should You Heal the Curse?", it describes the work with dolls, runes, sigils and "sacrifice". It mentions deamons and spirits and how to work with them. It was a bit weird reading this book, but I thought I had to know this.

I gulped this book down in one sitting and really enjoyed reading it. I think the author magnificently described "the secret information" and I feel it's a great start (although I'm more interested in "healing" part) in learning about curses and bindings.

At some points though, (the archangels and angels part, also the spirit at the grave ) I felt that it didn't match how I was taught and how I imagine things to be, however I am happy  read this book anyway. Maybe I've been getting things wrong all along.

This book has many "tutorials" and might be used while in the process of working with curses and bindings. This is a great reference book!

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