Monday, May 11, 2020

"Frankenstein" - Mary Shelley

"Frankenstein" by Mary W. Shelley is a horror story about a doctor Victor Frankenstein who dreams of creating life.

He goes to cemeteries and slaughter houses and collects body parts out of which he creates an eight foot tall monster.

The monster becomes alive and escapes into the streets, scaring and killing some people. 

The story is indeed very grim but at the same time it is emotional. The monster has human emotions that are soft and gentle but his appearance just scares people away from him. He goes insane and really becomes dangerous.

I liked the story because I think many of us can relate to the monster. Sometimes we might be kind at heart but keep seeing people judging us on our appearance, race or culture that make a monster from us because we start seeing ourselves from the eyes of others. We become hurt and angry at this "unfairness" and want to take revenge. Maybe that's how a killer is being made.

Also, it is a tragic story of a creative genius, a doctor, who sincerely wanted to benefit society by creating something amazing, by creative and preserving life. However his creation turns against him and he is unable to control it anymore. 

It is a thrilling read and this particular version by OM Books is adapted to junior high children.

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