Thursday, December 27, 2018

"Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse

This book is Buddha's autobiography - the story of his life. It's written in a very energetic, powerful way, and it feels very artistic, sophisticated and educated.

Reading this book I though "how did this writer know what Buddha felt, what he thought, what happened"? It felt as though Buddha himself wrote the book.

I was amazed at every single word, phrase and sentence in this book - it all seemed so artistically perfect. 

"A story of a Buddha - a story of you!"

Every location, every description, every person, every feeling, everything in this book was so vivid, easy to imagine and took me to those times when Buddha was alive.

I totally could relate with Buddha, his doubts, his experiences and, I'm sure, everyone would. This book teaches so many lessons about life, about the nature of life (like a forever flowing river).

I am writing this review after a few months after having read the book and I remember it took me two years to read this book. I found it to be a very hard read in the beginning, so I stopped after a few pages. 

Later, I was looking for some answers in my own life and wanted to know what happened to Siddharta next. Then I picked up the book again and finished it in a coupled of days. 

I think this book is a spiritual experience and one should take time reading it. One shouldn't force themselves if they think they're not ready or something in the book is "hard to digest".

So overall it doesn't feel like this book is written by a human being, it feels like it's written by a divine being and I totally see how this work is so famous and so important.

I would definitely advice to read this work for anyone considering themselves intellectuals, bohemians, seekers and curious human beings. You might find some answers to your life's questions there!

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