Friday, June 10, 2022

"1984" by George Orwell

George Orwell's "1984" is a book about what would it be like if England was a socialist country. It well illustrates what's it like to live in socialism and is deeply depressing and disturbing (like socialism). 

The way it's narrated it makes the reader not sure of what to believe (just like the real life propaganda) and it's done so skillfully that it gets 'to the bones and soul'. 

I can't say I enjoyed reading this book (more like sick and disgusted especially in the end), because of how painful and true it was but I agree that it's a very important work that depicts the horribleness of the humanity with its wars and power obsession. It even reminded me the sci-fi movies and conspiracy theories about humans being mind controlled by aliens and various experiments done on humans (it's how you look at it).

It reminded me of a concentration camp memoirs that we had to read at school for history. Deeply traumatizing. (Wouldn't recommend for those who are very sensitive).