Sunday, September 20, 2020

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is the first book of the Harry Potter series. It's about a skinny boy  with brown hair and round glasses who lost his both parents in an car crash and now has to live with his not so nice uncle, aunty and cousin. 

The book starts by describing his sad life under the staircase and makes us feel very sorry for him but soon interesting and magical events start taking place and we get to know that Harry Potter is a famous magician who inherited magical powers from his parents. 

From then on he goes to Hogward's School of Witchcraft and Magic, makes friends and his magical adventures start...

I've been hearing about Harry Potter since around 2000's and I never got to reading it...Now, 20 years later I picked it up and I really love it. It takes me back to my childhood, the school and the times when I used to read magical bed time stories. 

Harry Potter is indeed magical. It's written beautifully, it's super creative and imaginative, it has wisdom hiding between the lines and it can change ones life. 

For me, Harry Potter is about courage, belief in yourself, magic, adventure and how not to give up in the worst and seemingly impossible situations in life. I'm happy I've picked it up!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

"The Spy" - Paulo Coelho

 "The Spy" is a little beautiful book by Paulo Coelho. It is an autobiography of a Dutch exotic dancer Mata Hari. Most of all it is an autobiography of a beautiful woman. 

The book was very nicely written and I wondered how could Paulo Coelho empathize with a woman so well. It felt as if she wrote it and it was indeed touching.