Friday, June 5, 2020

"The Empath's Toolkit" by ANNA SAYCE

I've been a reader of Anna Sayce blog for a few years. It is the only spiritual blog that I follow and I  love reading her interesting articles on psychic abilities, Akashic records, her personal journey and other New Age topics.

Anna Sayce referred to her book a lot in her posts and I decided to buy it. The book cover was very light and colored in pastel colors - I thought it's going to be another 'positive' book, similar to the ones by Doreen Virtue. 

"It's a powerful read that reminded me of "YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE!" by Louise Hay."

It wasn't very expensive nor very cheap (just normal) for a Kindle version and I didn't know whether I will learn anything new reading it. Recently I bought quite a few expensive books that were rated highly and didn't feel like I learnt something new.

Anna Sayce surprised me. They say that you should never judge a book by its cover but I judged the author thinking "Anna Sayce will just write about the positive 'stuff'". 

In the end, the book shocked me. It was a very powerful workbook. It talked about traumas, past, relationships, anger, suppressed emotions and all the other things I really didn't want to read about. It reminded me of "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay. It was life changing and eye opening and I will have to go back to it again and again to work with all of that 'stuff' (which I don't really want to). I literally cried the half time I was reading the book. I would say the first and last chapters were the easiest to 'take in' and the middle ones were just hard and heavy, touching the painful things. Or maybe it's just me.

In the end, it still wasn't clear to me if I am an empath and if yes, then which empath. I could resonate with weeping during the funeral of the person I never spoke to, but also lashing out at people sometimes (which is not what empaths do)...But nevertheless I learned a lot from this book, although I will still have to come back and read it again for the things to sink in, to work with the traumas and to memorize the prayers and exercises.

I would recommend this book to everyone interested in New Age and spirituality (you don't have to be an empath). It's high quality information and will definitely inspire, teach and empower you on your path to a better grounding and quality of life!